Creative Communities Scheme (Round 2) 2024/25

This is a preview of the Creative Communities Scheme Application Form R2 2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Creative Communities Scheme

* indicates a required field.

Name and contact details

Response required.
Must be a New Zealand postcode
Must be an New Zealand postcode
Must be an email address. All correspondence will be sent to this email address.
Must be an New Zealand phone number
Must be a valid New Zealand bank account format. If you are successful your grant will be deposited into this account.
Ethnicity of applicant/group * Required
Response required.
You can select multiple options.
Please give further detail about your ethnicity. Eg Ethnicity: Pacific Peoples, Detail: Samoan.
Are you available to speak to our Creative Communities Scheme assessment committee members in support of your application? * Required
How did you hear about the Creative Communities Scheme? * Required
Response required.