Heritage Fund 2024

This is a preview of the Heritage Fund Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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Heritage Fund Application Form

* indicates a required field.

1. Property details

e.g. Lot 1 DP 00707
from rates demand notice

2. Applicant details

Must be an email address. 
Address Line 1, Suburb/Town, and State/Province are required. 

3. Ratepayer details

Who pays the rates on the property where the protected feature/area is located?

Are these details the same as applicant details?
Who pays the rates at the property

4. Occupier details

Who occupies/lives on the property where the protected feature/area is located?

Are these details the same as applicant details?
If yes, please skip to 5. Application details

5. Application details

See Heritage Fund Guidelines for details.

Funding category being applied for
Please tick one
e.g., wetland, native bush, notable tree, heritage building, cultural site etc
Attach a file: Select stored file
    Refer to Guidelines document for explanation
    Attach a file: Select stored file
      Outlined on pages 4-8 of the Heritage Fund Criteria & Application Guidelines document
      Attach a file: Select stored file
        If you need more space for any of the questions

        5 Funding details

        The maximum total grant allocated under the Heritage Fund scheme is $5,000 (excl. GST).

        There is no minimum grant amount. A maximum grant of $500 (excl. GST) applies to administration costs (includes photocopying, mailouts/postage etc) and the reimbursement of resource consent fees.

        All grants are allocated on the basis of a cost sharing arrangement. The maximum grant rate for all projects is a cost sharing of 50:50, i.e. the Council will only fund up to half of the project cost. The applicant must make a contribution to the cost of the project.

        The following costs are not eligible:

        • Project costs incurred prior to the lodging of the application;
        • Any costs involved in preparing the application; and
        • Debt servicing.

        The purchase of equipment is generally NOT eligible for funding unless it can be demonstrated that it is essential for the project (i.e. it cannot be leased, rented/hired etc) and is a reasonable cost. Each item of equipment will be evaluated on its individual merit to the project.

        It is recognised that labour contributions (and associated tools and machinery) are an important component of many projects. However, this scheme is not a subsidised employment programme. Labour contributions are eligible as a project cost but should ideally not form more than one third of the total project cost.

        The applicant’s share of the cost can be by way of in-kind contributions (e.g. labour), or cash. Kāpiti Coast District Council has unanimously voted to take the next steps towards becoming an accredited Living Wage Employer. Therefore in-kind contributions can be priced at $23.65 per hour, the current Living Wage rate at the time of the application period.

        GST will be paid in addition to the grant where:

        • the applicant is GST registered;
        • the project is part of the applicant’s taxable activity; and
        • the GST number is supplied on the application form.
        if applicable


        Project taskNZ $ Estimated cost
        If you are registered for GST please do not include GST in your costs

        Must be at least 1 rows

        Budget totals

        This number/amount is calculated. 
        Must be a dollar amount. This can be at maximum 50% of the total project cost
        This can include in-kind contributions

        6. Heritage Management Plan

        NB: please skip this section if your project is a research/education project.

        If your heritage feature is managed under the provisions of a QE II Trust covenant deed or Greater Wellington Regional Council Key Native Ecosystem plan, there is no need to submit a Heritage Management Plan. Please reference the covenant deed or Key Native Ecosystem plan in your application. Otherwise Heritage Management Plans are required for Heritage Fund applications made for Preservation, Management or Riparian Management Projects.

        Successful applicants must comply with an agreed Heritage Management Plan once an application has been approved for funding.

        A Heritage Management Plan is essentially a straightforward document which sets out the approach to works and/or maintenance of the feature/site for future years and may set out specific conditions to be met.

        To support the preparation of a heritage management plan for your project, please upload the following information:

        • A line drawing of the property/farm on a A4 aerial photograph (can be obtained free of charge from Kāpiti Coast Maps: https://maps.kapiticoast.govt.nz/LocalMaps/Gallery/) showing the area of concern and the proposed management measures;
        • A description of the current problem/threats to the area (e.g. cattle grazing undergrowth of remnant forest, plant pests or animal pests like possums, goats, stoats etc which need controlling/eradicating);
        • An indication of the annual work/maintenance programme required over the next 3 to 5 years.
        Attach a file: Select stored file
          Required documents listed above

          7. Declaration

          Declaration * Required
          Response required.
          Have you...